First Breath Productions
is proud to announce
the publication of:
A birth record book for midwives"
by Patricia Edmonds and Heather McCullough.
With cover illustration by Rhonda Baker.

About Our Book
This record book was designed for midwives by midwives who share the desire to have an accurate record of personal birth
We created this book to honor the midwifery tradition of remembering and keeping the tales of the women and babies we are
called to serve. This book also assists midwives to easily compile statistics while remembering the heart of birth by retelling
the birth story.
Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!
You can
contact Pat Edmonds at 503-359-4109, or e-mail her at:
Into My Hands Midwifery
3839 Pacific Ave, Suite 189
Forest Grove, OR 97116