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midwife muse -- a community midwifery bulletin board
Tuesday, 20 April 2004
had an emergency u/s friday, so missed the omc meeting. I just posted the notice for next months meeting. Guests, please REMEMBER TO CHECK THE "WORKSHOPS, CLASSES, CONFERENCES" entry whenever you are here!

hve been busy with conference details; mailed out the flyers yesterday. It's a big job printing, folding, inserting, stamping a mailing of that size, but is' also kind of like relaxing -- very zen.
we're entering the exciting time -- have finished the lead-up jobs. Now we wait on registrations to arrive.
We've got a great lineup of speakers and a cool confernc location. i think it's gonna be a lot of fun!

Posted by midwiferyeducation at 2:16 PM PDT

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